Kiss me honey!

2008 will soon be over and we have had some terrific CDs released in the last 12 months especially from BGO.  Hopefully in 2009 we will see more.  It would be fantastic if we were to get a new album but alas there doesn’t seem to be anything on the horizon.  We can also hope though!

I mentioned a double CD set called ‘Burn My Candle – The Complete Early Years 1956 -1958’ a little while ago that was set to be released on 12th January.  I have now been informed that it’s release has been put back.  I noticed that it was quoted as unavailable on two sites where it was for pre-order so I contacted Acrobat Music who were to release it.  I received a very quick reply from their Marketing Manager who informed me they were going through a restructure and it would be released later.  I hope that is the case.  I also mentioned that although there were the two studio recordings of ‘Born To Sing The Blues’  scheduled to be on it (which hopefully means the original single version on CD for the very first time) that the song missing and fans are wanting is ‘The Wall’.  The reply stated that the Project Manager for that release had been asked to contact me regarding the contents of the CD but I haven’t heard anything yet.  When I do hear anything else then I will post it immediately .

There is however, a CD set to be released on January 5th.  This is called ‘Kiss Me Honey Honey Kiss Me’.  It being released by Delta Music on the Motif label.  There are 27 tracks on this release and as the title suggests they are from the early Philips days.  At the moment I have only seen it available for pre-order on  It’s a cheap release too at £4.98.  I have no idea what the quality will be like.  ‘The Wall’ isn’t on it.  If I go on about that song enough maybe some record company will get the message and release it!!  That’s my theory!

I hope that soon BGO will announce the date for their next Shirley release ‘This Is My Life / Does Anybody Miss Me’.  It would be great too if the original UK single release of ‘This Is My Life’ was included.  Let’s all keep our fingers crossed for bonus tracks!

'Kiss me honey...' sleeve
'Kiss me honey...' sleeve

CLICK HERE to pre-order from Amazon UK