Berlin concert -1987-

As I will be away for a few days I am leaving you with this fabulous 1987 Berlin concert. It has improved sound quality from the original video and I hope you enjoy these 85 minutes of Bassey magic! Till later: Pieter. For the video CLICK HERE. Of course we hope this great concert will one day be released on DVD as she sounds and looks fantastic! 🙂

From Ian our ‘Gown Guru’ about the dress Shirley is wearing for this concert: This gown was designed by Sara Perceval around 1983, Sara did all of the lace chiffon gowns for DSB in the 90′s. We call it the Cockeral Gown for obvious reasons. The gown was worn at Blazers in London in 1984, on British tv in 1987 and in Berlin in 1987 and several other occasions in the late 80′s. It was sadly destroyed in a fire in the early 90′s! 😦



11 thoughts on “Berlin concert -1987-”

  1. thanks for all the blog work you do. I WONDER if Dame Shirley looks sometimes. Thanks to the internet we get to see all of these interesting clips. I particularly like this recording for the `live` orchestral version of `IF YOU DON`T UNDERSTAND`a song I instantly loved on the UK tour. I think the music on the single sounded a bit `thin`.


  2. Very beautiful gown, I remember her wearing this gown back in late 1985 for a concert she did at Carnegie Hall. This was the same night I was the only fan who braved the cold and waited for her to come out of the Russian Tea Room next door. It paid off, that night before getting into a small limo and despite being politely ‘shooed’ away by two big body guards, she took a moment and allowed me to come near. I got a hand shake, gave her a kiss on the cheek and an autograph which is framed on a musical wall of memorabilia. Thanks Pieter for rekindling a memory, your efforts on this great blog- and have a great time to yourself.


  3. Pieter, I also compliment you on what a great job you do with this blog…and we DSB fans appreciate the articles, photos, videos you post….it is nice to see Dame Shirley perform thru the years and see up to date photos and info…it keeps us connected….this video was fantastic and very much enjoyed……thanks so much for all you do…


  4. This has to be one of her best concerts; thanks Pieter once again. You give us fans so much to appreciate and I endorse all that has been said previously – you do a fantastic job here on the blog.


  5. There are million’s of people who would like to buy the the dvd ! I’ve been enjoying her singing and showmen ship for many years, and I think she is one the best. Whatever good things life brings her she deserves. From Rich at 86.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m watching it right now! I think this one of the greatest… if not the greatest concerts I have ever seen! She looked fabulous… the orchestra was fabulous.. set list was fabulous.. and knocked it out the universe!!! She had me crying during entire performance!!! I am blessed I found her… I can’t believe I lived 51 years on this planet and had no idea about this AMAZING WOMAN! Grateful beyond words our paths finally crossed!!! It’s been life changing for me! This video is UNBELIEVABLE! I have hundreds of concerts dvds (even current ones) and NONE are even lose to being this good!!!!!! I watch it all the time… bravo 👏🏼❤👏🏼 And, thank you for sharing your gift with the world!!!!


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