George Webb

Shirley and George

George, Jean and Shirley

I would like to dedicate today’s blog to super Dame Shirley fan George Webb. Over the last months I mentioned his name on several posts as he was the provider of some of the newspaper scans I used for the blog.
I met George in 1980 for the first time at the Amsterdam concert. Here you can watch the last song of this concert: “This is my life” where Shirley greets George. I remember we had to prevent him from being squeezed in Amsterdam because the audience was coming forwards to the stage.

George and his wife Betty were very devoted fans and their association with Shirley goes back to her early days when Sharon and Samantha were children. George and his wife stayed with Shirley and Sergio when they lived in Switserland and often took the children to buy sweeties or would baby-sit.

After his wife died George went to the concerts alone and there were always complimenary tickets for him, for every venue.
George left all his Shirley Bassey memorabilia to Jean when he died and her sister Audrey made them available for us now to use for the blog. Above you see a picture of George and Jean together at a concert at the St. David’s Hall in Cardiff.

Below two signed photograps from Shirley for George and his wife Betty from his personal collection and a newspaper article about George from the seventies.

(With special thanks to Audrey)