In 1961 Shirley Bassey got engaged to Kenneth Hume and they were married later that year. In that same year she has a throat operation where her tonsils were removed.

1961 CV

1961 BA NMEBassey16thJune (blog)

1961 AI NMEBassey4thAug (blog)

1961 CN (blog)

1961 R (blog)

1961 X (blog)

1961 B (blog)

1961 AN NMEBassey7thApril

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One thought on “FROM THE ARCHIVE 445 -1961-”

  1. Least said about Kenneth Hume, the better, by all accounts from all that knew him, an unpleasant individual, it remains a puzzle why Shirley married him, knowing he was gay. Sergio Novak, her second husband, was a lovely man, and did much for DSB, in all areas of her life.

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